Aloha my beautiful family! Awesome as to hear from you guys again. I’ve been dying to hear from yous ae! hahahaha for real’s. Sounds like everything’s all good ae. So proud of you all. man george is the man ae. Happy birthday bro! my time right before the mission was the best time of my life, and it looks like he’s having fun. Good on you bro. be a good boy ae. lia and ash, stop fighting man! hahaha for real’s though id do anything to be with you guys right now so cherish the time that you have to be together, because time as we’ve come to learn flies way to fast. Family I’ve been good. i don’t have too much time to write today cuz my companion being new had a lot of paper work that he had to do for his visa and all so were small kine rushing it ae. Um work wise we had a great week. Worked hard, and just put everything out on the table and just going hard ae, and seeing the blessings and fruits of our labors. I’ve learnt that the lord sends work to those missionaries who really want to work. This sector has been dead for ages with nothing, and being here the only thing that we´ve wanted to do, is work and doing so the lord has just put all kinds of great people in our path, to teach and help. i love this work so much....half the world wrote me today and shortly replying to each one, i was able to see how my life has been blessed and changed so much by the time that i have had to serve a mission. thinking of each person and my relationship with each one and the experiences that i had with each of them realy hit me big time of all the progress that I’ve made and how I’m really not the same person.haha I don’t know if i make sense but you get what I’m trying to say.....lol but this week, personally has been filled with heaps of opportunities to grow and learn. it’s funny cause it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on the mission there’s always challenges. um.....being here and starting this change i really felt that I’ve gone through everything, that there wasn’t anything else that i could go through that i haven’t already faced...jjajaja a little pride cycle action ae! haha....well my companion and i have had a few run ins ae and it’s something that I’ve never gone through before. hahaha for real’s. With all my comps that I’ve had in my whole entire mission, I’ve never banged heads so hard before. i don’t know what it is but there was a lot of heavy things that went down ae. um my comp being older and Latin doesn’t really take criticism real well from, someone younger, who isn’t a native speaker and me, i don’t take crap from no one so this past week we have been like water and oil.....it’s been tough ae, and a lot of situations that I’ve never been in before and things that I’ve never needed to deal with and its rough...I’ve learnt the importance really of patience that comes as we have charity. ive come to understand that if we don’t have charity we are as the scripture says, nothing....and this has been something that I’ve been compelled (you could say) to develop. hahaha the lord will have a humble people and i feel like this is a way in which the lord is humbling me. it’s been rough but I’m learning and striving to be more humble each day. I’ve already been able to see that through such humility the lord has blessed me with the charity that i need to be more patient with my companion and really desire his spiritual progress. My experiences with my companion now has had to be the closest thing in this earth to the reality of marriage and i crakup when i think about it. Pretty ironic how things work out ae. but its been awesome to be honest. although we´ve been having a few problems we have had some spiritual experiences together that have come through working things out and talking about what we can do to be better. So it’s awesome ae. love this little peruvian to death and just learning all i can from him. But other than that everything’s all good ae. i want you all to know family that i love you guys so much. mum dad lia ash and george. i love yous and so grateful for all that you guys have done and continue to do for me. i know that i am only here because of the family that i was raised in. there really is no other social unit more important than what we have established in our home, and i thank you so much mum and dad for doing so. Go hard this week ae family and represent well. Send my love to gramz and all the famz. with all my love,
Elder kanahele kaka
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