kia ora whanau?
Am i still a spartan??? bahhahaha na bro no where near it but give rats. hahaha crakup bro. but game? something that ill never loose...hahaha just gotta follow dads foot steps. tell them all you love them and recieve all their gifts! hahaha. na but on a serious note family, i love yous heaps ae. awesome as to know that justyns home already. fa ive been waiting all week to hear about it. times gotta be my biggest enemy right now and i cant believe that its all coming to an end. im going hard family. dont worry. going till the death. second wind. although i like kill my comp its all sweet. this week was actually going all good. until a few days a go we got into it. another huge arguement and its been tough ae. i feel like im baby sitting. ive tried to be pátient, and i try to do everything that i can to show him that i love him, wash the dishes, make him breakfast, make his bed, shine his shoes everyday, listen to him and always incorporate his ideas and what he wants to do but i dont know why we still dont get along. hes a real prideful person and its killing him. i really want to help him cause if he doesnt learn now hes gonna have a hard as mission so we ll see how things go. its been hard but all good. still happy as at the end of the day knowing that im giving all i got to do all i can so its all good ae. we will be baptizing this week!!! yeah!!! pres. called us last night to congradulate us for our work that we are doing....hahaha if he only knew the problems that we got..lol then he told me that hes got another assignment for me....you wont even believe this. so he sending another missionary with us. we are going to be a trio or a companionship of three elders and the new elder is a bag of problems! we are with him right now and its already sucked! hahaha so yeah. thats pretty much whats going on with me. hahaha what a way to end the mission ae. but all good. the mission has sure been the best experience of my life. i was thinking the other day of how far ive come and all the things that ive learnt and the love that ive come to develop for our savior. not lying family when i first got here in chile, i did not want to be here. lol it was so hard that i just wanted to give up. for reals it was the hardest thing that ive ever had to do. i remember crying myself to bed everything night in my first few months for not wanting to be here, i remember thinking of things that i could do to get sent home with honor, like breaking my leg or something like that. hahaha i feel really bad now feeling and thinking that way but thats how bad it was. i was in a different country, i didnt have my family, i didnt have the comforts of life that ive always been used to having, i had to spend everyday with someone i didnt understand nor like and had every reason in the world to be sad and i was...life sucked big time. i remember that not after long it hit me that i was thinking too much in myself. way to much in myself and that was the problem.i remember waking up one morning early as before my trainer and decided that i was going to loose myself in the work, that in spite of all the things that i was going through all the things that i had to learn and do that i was just gona go hard put my trust in the lord and give my best, forgetting myself and putting others and their needs and happieness before mine. since this day family ive never been happier. for reals it hasnt been easy, far from it to be honest, but it sure has been worth it. pepole think that its a sacrifice to be a missionary, but they are totally wrong. the blessings, knowledge, and light that i have come to understand outweighs a thousand times more the amount of little service that we give in two years as missionaries. i have found my life here in the mission as i have strived to lose it for gods sake. i know that he lives and loves us. i cherish every second that i have and im going hard family, till the death. i love it here so much and really dread the day when i will have to leave. thanks for al that you guys do to have me here. love you all so much. go hard this week ae family. my times come to an end so next week well hear from yous. send my love to all the family. i love you my beautiful family.
elder kanahele kaka
ps. shot pops for sending that stuff bro. love you homie
elder kanahele kaka
ps. shot pops for sending that stuff bro. love you homie
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