BIenas dias mi familia!!
les he extrañado mucho este semana, en verdad no sé por qué pero he estado unpoko con nostalgia del hogar pero igual todo está bien...me he esforzado lo maximo para dar todo lo que tengo al señor entonces me siento bien contento. aparte de eso no hay nada mas jajaja solo sé que ash siga como un paiaso!!! las photos son super chistoso, lilia parece terrible bonita!!! como una princesa, A beautiful swan!!! jaja
What up family!
sorry bout it...awesome letter though whanau....everything sounds like it’s all going well and good...still the same ae....the beach bums bounce while dad cleans up!!! hahaha what a rip off bro! lol believe it or not i miss cleaning up ae....washing the dishes, vacuuming, and mowing the lawns are really blessings when we think about it!!! to have a yard with grass, dishes to wash, and carpet to actually vacuum in its self is something that many people around the world don’t have. for real’s, nobody here has grass!!! lol everything’s dirt and it sucks!!! i can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen grass! lol so mowing the lawn honestly is a privilege here. people do it for free.....same thing with vacuuming...everybody here is to poor to have carpet so nobody has a vacuum! lol ive never seen a vacuum in my entire mission and washing dishes with hot water here is a big NO NO....you don’t waste your hot water on stupid stuff like that! hahahaha so reading today really made me grateful for the things that we have....on top of it we live in paradise!!! Hawaii is bomb and i never want to leave again!!! lol but yeah um I’m not going to do the laser thing...first of all i can’t cause they won’t let me and I’ve thought about it and prayed like you said mum and na im all good.....its getting way better though...just in the past couple days....looking handsome as now ae! Hahahaha, but yeah family, with me everything is all good...lol here on the mission sometimes you think and feel that you’ve gone thru everything, you pretty much know everything and really there’s nothing more to learn and right when you think that, BAM! Something new comes up! hahaha um got some stories for you but first off everything is all good ae....it’s starting to get FREEZING hard!!!! straight up like i use 6 blankets when i go to sleep and 6 layers of clothing because its sooooo cold....a big part of it i think is just the whole standard of living here....like for Chileans a house is four walls and a tin roof you know and everything is good, life is great. and that’s how our house pretty much is! lol four walls with a tin roof....there’s gaps between all the walls where they meet and between the walls with the roof cause it looks like they didn’t level things out to good so that could be a huge reason why its so cold...no instillation system what so ever so it’s pretty much like just sleeping outside...it actually is warmer outside than inside of our house! hahahaha its like an igloo! No exaggeration! But yeah other than that me and my comp are getting along way better...I’m learning how to just accept him and love him for who he is! hahaha it’s been tough but you can definitely see and feel the difference which is the most important....as well we have been having a lot of success lately! been finding heaps of people and ive really just been able to see the lords hand in this work...this week I’ve learnt heaps ae family...i have strengthened my testimony tenfold on heaps of things.....um something that really was impacting was that i decided to fast this week, like seriously fast because i wanted to strengthen my testimony on this principle and it’s like opened up a whole new world! lol like i feel unstoppable!! lol i learnt that if i could stop myself and abstain my body and my natural man from something necessary such as water and food which without i would obviously die, that, than i could stop myself from anything! here on the mission I’ve really learnt a lot about myself, and my weaknesses and my natural man that constantly temps me to do what’s wrong which in turn has taught me how to be honest with myself, acknowledge my weaknesses, and use the atonement and its power to help me put off this natural man. its a daily and life long battle to be better and by fasting i have learnt that we gain extra power, and more than anything self control to do what is right! I honestly try to be better every day and there’s always something to improve on! always, but it’s been awesome...like a purifying process that i will have to do every single day till i die! but yeah we also had interviews with president this week and it was good as...in our interview he asked us a question and as he asked me it i kind of just sat there....and as i sat there i was able to see my progress that I’ve been able to make here in the mission....for real’s as i sat there i noticed that i had a library of things to pull from in my head to say to him, something that i didn’t have before and the best of all is that as i sat there i recognized the whisperings of the spirit and what he wanted me to share! it was a one of a kind experience....i didn’t have to do anything more than think and follow the spirit...how easy life is when we truly are guided by gods true power. by yeah that’s how that went with them....was able to talk to sister may there and she honestly is an awesome lady ae....i love her ae and am gonna miss her when she’s leaves, also something happened to me this week that was a huge testimony builder....um apparently my bishop has been kind of mad with me cause the first week i got her he told his 2nd councilor to tell us we couldn’t baptize the family that we baptized ....he had no reasoning or anything which is really dumb so i fought for their cause so they could get baptized which they were and apparently he got really mad. being a really busy man, studying, working, being a father, and a bishop it’s impossible to find him...so i had no idea that he was mad at us......i get a call this past week from my zone leaders who tell me that they just had a meeting with my bishop and said that he does not trust us at all!!!! my first reaction.. was i got pissed! straight up...mad as heck! There was a hundred and one reasons why i was right and he was wrong but i realized that none of it mattered....i realized that nothing would get better unless i stopped being prideful.. Family I’ve never felt so humbled in my life as i stood at his door asking him for forgiveness! it took so much out of me to do , but i did it! The feeling that i got as we mended things is like that satisfaction that you get when you repent...the weight that you feel just taken off of you.. Really as we are humble and submit ourselves to the will of the lord he does bless us. So that was another great experience for me this week....I’ve been learning a lot ae and just so grateful to be here on a mission. other than that everything is all good....this week is actually the last week in this transfer....we could have changes...idk that’s what i kind of sensed in my interview with pres! but time sure has and continue to fly! for real’s.....i love the mission ae family and am so grateful for your guys sacrifice for me to be here....for real’s called dad and told him that i needed 600 bucks and he told me without hesitation that he´ll put 700 bucks in that same day! Straight up love bro and thank you all for all that you do...dad mum, george, ash, and lia...love and take care of each other. be good and remember always who you are...but my time is running out so I’ll talk to you guys next
week...with all my love,
Elder kanahele kaka
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