What up family!!!
buenas tardes imbeciles!!! feliz cumpliaƱos mi compadre ashlito!!!! happy birthday ash bro....getting old my brother....sounds like you got some mean as presents bro...good on you dog....just take care of your stuff ya! haha but fa awesome letter...straight up needed that bit time ae...yes i was missing you guys big time but all good now....um first offs...i did get the package and my card...thanks family...about time! hahaha na thanks tho for reals....watched the ha show and got home sick hard! hahaha and watched the christmas video you guys made and that was crackup as too...fa ash bro your an out of it fella bro!!! hahaha growing up ae bro...shot on the keks cuz...but yeah..pics were mean too....they do make me homesick but that’s not my problem...trust me! lol once i leave the internet place im good.as ...so no worries ba....but hori boy looking smooth bro....awesome bro...Poli is an awesome girl tho bro.... Family quick question...so here on the misson ive gotten real close with one elder....hes like my best friend here ae....his name is johnny eledge and straight up is my boy.....but we got really close one day ae i showed him all my videos of you guys singing and stuff to me and he just broke down to me telling me his whole life story...so he has no dad, his mum has died and he has nothing to go home to...absolutely nothing.... his sisters with whom he was living with before are all married now with kids and he has no idea what to do...but we got to talking and i told him that if he could get into byu hawaii and find a job we could help him out...so hes really thinking about it...but just wanted to ask you guys what you think first?? hahaha..but yeah let me know when you can ae....hahaha but yeah...but i really need to let yous know about my week..so.... for me well it was a tuff but really blessed week ae...hahaha im sure you got my facebook messages and was probably worried about me ae??hahaha sorry bout it but i was having a hard time....but you said something dad.. you ask are you sure thats all that was wrong?? or something like that and it really made me think..so what happened was that something was wrong, but i just didn’t know what it was family....i just didn’t feel right...i wasn’t homesick, i wasn’t physically sick, i wasn’t sad...i seriously didn’t know what was wrong all i know was that for a while something was really bugging me, didn’t know what,, but i didn’t feel good....so this had been bothering me for some time...i sent that message to you guys and all cuz thats how i felt you know....and family i lie you not i can’t believe this happened..but i did not have the spirit with me....its guidance, comfort, warmth and power was not with me...i woke up Friday morning and it hit me....as i was studying...i still didn’t feel right....started to think and reflect on our week and i realized that, that was my problem..couldn’t think straight all week, couldn’t speak right all week, couldn’t teach with power all week and it was because i did not have the spirit with me...it honestly was the first time in my entire mission where i finally realized its true power.. i couldn’t do anything family. honestly nothing! i was a huge mess I’m not going to lie but i sucked hard..and in turn resulted in me feeling the way i did....i don’t know how to explain it but the feeling that i had has to be the most crappiest way someone can feel in this life...i felt alone, lost and just like crap...so got to thinking about it you know and what could have caused me to feel that way.. and i knew exactly what it was.....my attitude towards my companion....something that might not seem so extravagant, or the reason for so much problems...but the lord has told us that, if ye are not one, ye are not mine!!! family my first 12 days here i was not one with my companion...didn’t really think anything of it and look what happened! lost the trust of our lord and savior and in turn the blessings that come thru the guidance of the spirit. i sat there as i studied and just couldn’t believe it....couldn’t believe that i had been so blind and hard hearted, as soon as our personal study finished and going in to our companionship study...i just let it all out...told my companion how sorry i was, and how bad i felt for the way i had treated him and pretty much just broke down ae...i had to ae...i couldn’t bear going another day in the state that i was in and just apologized to him for everything...lol my man was shocked ae...he didn’t think anything was wrong...but knew that something was bothering me and glad that i could get it off my chest...the passage of scripture that hit me is spoken by alma to those of the church and he said to them, "he(the lord) sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the barms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you....family we cant be successful in this life yet in the life that comes without the guidance of the spirit. every good thing that we gain and maintain in this life depends on us having this gift that god has available for us and being that sin is the only thing impeding us from having its guidance we need to hearken unto almas words and repent daily..the lords arms of mercy are extended towards us and i promise yous that as we do so the lord will bless us with its guidance...i am so very blessed for this gospel....i have really come to understand myself a lot better. my strengths and weaknesses here on the mission and strive to better myself each day...i have no doubt that god loves us and blesses us as we do our part...i am doing so well here....feel so blessed to be with my companion....have learnt lessons that will stick with me forever....i really do love chile a lot....im finally getting it...can’t believe my time is almost up and just dread that day when i will have to leave this country...even tho our sink is in our shower nothing will change the love that i have for these people here, nothing...but i am fine family...nothing to worry about for reals...i miss and love each and every one of yous so much..mum dad george ash and lia love and take care of each other...you guys are my life. thank you for all that you do for me...keep going strong and remember who you are....remember, if ye are not one, ye are not mine! Strive daily to be of one. like the maoris say, together we stand, divided we fall...shot nany waiwai! but love you family...send gramz and the rest of the family my love k...but i got to go my beautiful ohana...until next week, with all my love,
Elder kanahele kaka
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