bienas dias family!!
How you fellas been oye?? hahaha sounds like everything’s been good over there ae!! fa that’s good... I’m happy as that you guys were able to watch conference...wasn’t it great!!!! lol for real’s i find that way more exciting than going to the movies and watching the newest movies in high def with surround system.!!! hahaha can’t believe that i didnt pay more attention when i was younger!!(bahahaha like I’m old now) but yeah...only got one left!! nutz ae!!! fa honestly i have no idea where the time has gone!! But family really awesome hearing from you guys.....hitler ae bro??? FA that’s a good one bro! for real’s had me laughing hard...you know as a missionary I’ve kinda lost that worldly sense of humor so it’s always good to hear it now and then!!!! bahahaha don’t tap me george!!!! but yea got grandmas box and just finished reading her letter....i love that lady heaps ae so make sure you let her know how grateful i am for her, but for me family I’m doing great ae...things are going good as here in the sector ae....I’m doing good as....getting along way better with my companion and just really loving life....really I’m so happy. i love the mission and this sector...this past week nothing really new....my testimony continues to grow in that knowledge of this gospel...this past week we as a companionship set a lot of goals that we committed ourselves to accomplish even if it involved us to do the most extreme....and at first early on in the week it wasn’t going to well....we wanted to find two people who were guaranteed baptisms for this month and we actually found them but lost them on Tuesday so were running around hard and really working to find somebody....honestly I’ve never worked so hard before and Wednesday past after a whole day of activities to help us find and resulted in no one! then Thursday, Friday Saturday, all passed and still no one....family we kept going hard....focused ourselves to work, show are faith and trust in the lord by doing everything in our human reach that we could do and i lie you not god did come thru as he always does.....Sunday night at 930pm right before we were going home we were walking past the house of that family that we recently baptized and got the impression to visit them real quick before returning to the house....and as we entered there in the living room we two family friends who after getting to know a lil bit and shared the message of the restoration accepted two baptismal dates for the 24th of this month! i know god lives, and that he loves us....i know that as we strive to complete and better ourselves each day he fulfills and blesses us with what we need. I’ve never felt this way before but I’m just so antzy to be a missionary...honestly i think i finally understanding it....every second of every minute of the day is a possibility that i have to help someone come unto the true gospel of Jesus Christ...where’ve been working hard as...and satisfaction now only comes when i know i gave everything i got for each second i have each day to do what i came here to do....something that i guess that wasn’t that strong within me but has grown so much to the point in where i am now....i love missionary work ae....ive learnt so much and even tho there’s always problems I’ve learnt that nothings too big for us to overcome....here in our sector, we still have a few problems that are that great but still bother a lil you know...we have members who don’t like to help us share the gospel but then get mad at us when we don’t visit them because we’re working, a bishop that gets angry at us for not showing up to clean the chapel when we have appointments with investigators and just a whole bunch of crap like that but i know that there only here to strengthen us... Quick story...so where’ve been visiting the family that we recently baptized a lot because they have the missionary vision.. you gotta see them they are amazing....better missionaries then us!!! hahaha for real’s thos the work has been a lot easier working with them and the friends that they have presented to us.... but the story goes that the mum of the family always makes us a cake.....at least three times a week. she will make a cake and at night we stop by and eat it with them and their family....a quick update....chilean pastries, pies, cakes, donuts, all suck!!!! for real’s nothings as worse as the way they do things here....but nobody knows better so to them it’s the best that there is you know so...we normally go by and forcefully make ourselves look happy so they don’t get offended lol but grandmas box came in the other day and inside was cake and brownie mix....long story short we took it over and made it for them. And they fell in love!!!! i fell in love!!! lol its been so long since a good cake but they were going crazy and just couldn’t believe that this cake had come from that bag!!! ..lol we came by the next day and the dad told us to sit down and that he was going to share the message.....and he started to speak and he said that he got to thinking a lot about the day before and how delicious this cake was....he said all his life he has loved cakes....chilean cakes and that’s why his wife made them so much. and never thought that anything else could steal this place in his heart that he held for these chilean cakes....well he went on to explaining that last night his whole heart was stolen as he shared this cake with us that we had made...he said that his eyes were open and that surely there was nothing better...he then likened this experience unto that with their encounter with the gospel that it has been the same.....that growing up being a catholic he thought that nothing else was better, but as he started listening to the missionaries and exercising his faith he has really come to feel other wise...he explained that lehi described it best in nephi 8:12 which reads "And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit"...family i sat there just so blown a way...this man a member for barely two weeks was truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ...i was blown away!! family there are people just like this man arturo egaña who would be great members of this church but our only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it!!! may we hearken unto elder Neil L Andersons council from conference and take this responsibility among ourselves as which it is as members of the gospel to make these things known unto every living creature...we have something that so many one way or another desire! Like uchtdorf said, are we living beneath our privileges? are we living up to our exceptions?? family as a missionary i know that there is no better way to do this work rather than through members of the church...if we really understand the truthfulness of the gospel and the reality of the atonement we will do what every member should be doing....sharing the gospel!!!! Family although we live in a well populated area of Mormons lets daily seek for opportunities to shared the gospel. i know that as we do this god will not only bless us with these opportunities but with the courage to open our mouths and declare the truth......there’s no satisfaction more greater than the blessings that we receive by sharing theses blessings that we have and continue to receive thru the gospel with others. lets live up to our expectations and receive the blessings that comes thru these privileges. Family i love each and every one of you...mum dad, george, ash, and lia...miss you guys hard...hope that this week can be one full of growth and learning...know that i pray for each one of you daily...so grateful for your love and support...love and take care of one another and know that i strive to give my best to the lord each and every day. i can’t express how much i love and am grateful for this gospel and the knowledge that it provides us of eternal families.. that’s all i want and know we can have as we be and daily live what we believe. family i love you all so much...send my love and gratitude to gramz and to the rest of the family....don’t worry bout me ba....i doing good! But got to go my beautiful family, until next week, with all my love,
Elder conway kauimua kanahele kaka
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