Monday, February 28, 2011

Hey family!!!

Sorry for the delay but we´ve had a busy as day....crazy as i tell you and on top of it all i don’t have any money!! hahaha so i gotta make this short and quick so that my ten cents that i have will be able to be enough to pay for this internet session! lol but family sounds like you guys had a great, and fruitful week...a lot going on ae?? awesome man...keep pushing yourselves and go hard, but it was awesome talking to you fellas the other day..haha for reals was such a good treat...sorry for waking you fellas up but had to do what i had to do you useless buggers...mum answered the phone and was her dumb dongy half asleep self! lol i go hello mum and shes like hi! and i was like mum this is Conway you egg!!! lol full on didn’t even notice!!! Useless bro! hahaha na jokes mum...was good as talking with you guys tho...about the money i should be getting hooked up tomorrow from the office here so i should be good for now....but still send me my card and all as soon as you can ae...oh and something else that i would like for you guys to send is the dvd of the new ha breath of life show!! wes told me that he got it and its crackup as so hook me up with it ae...and some more songs of you fellas singing...fa thanks ae family...well this week has been a good one...our two investigators are progressing just great and their mum is also coming around....nayaret who is fourteen and her little sister valentina who is 11 are two little girls who we are teaching and who give us that feeling of satisfaction that knowing that all the hard work we put in, in the past few months have been worth it. you know working hard day in and day out is hard when you don’t see any results you know and sometimes well most of the time it’s hard to keep going but cases like these two little girls are the reasons why we wake up day after day to do what we do...if we didn’t keep persistent who knows when paola and her two little girls would be receiving the gospel. You gotta see them family they are so awesome and i love visiting them so’s like in spite of all the trials that they have we have given them hope of a better world and you can see how the gospel really has done just that....seeing them progress, seeing them keep their commitments and really understand why, has given them a reason to be better and to keep pushing and they have become truly happy with themselves as a’s been so awesome to have been able to work with them and see them change....but it’s been a good week..And I’m happy i don’t feel like this a lot but i really feel good about everything ae...even though we don’t have outstanding numbers or we didn’t baptized a whole village i feel good with what i was able to give to the lord...Gordon b Hinckley said..."with out hard work nothing grows but weeds" and this is how it’s been for me in my sector for the past 4 months. If you think about it it’s kind of worded weird but makes total sense... as we work hard we stop weeds from growing and we keep our soil weed free and make ourselves worthy of receiving the blessings of the lord.. in the sense of missionary work baptism are gifts and blessing from the lord to us which he gives us if we are worthy enough to receive them...and by working hard and not allowing weeds to grow, we make ourselves worthy of such blessings.....president Hinckley didn’t hard and guarantee you´ll see miracles...he said if you don’t work hard nothing will happen and the "weeds" will grow and take over ... and it’s so true...consistent hard work hasn’t brought us huge miracles but its helped us to have a clean soil...weed free. Ready for the blessings that the lord has for us..And as we´ve consistently worked hard we have kept ourselves prepared for such blessings and fruits of our labors have definitely been seen, moreover felt and way worth it. Family key word is not to only work hard but to "constantly" and "persistently" work hard, in spite of the results. Lets "daily" keep our gardens clean and the lord in his time will bless us. Keep going hard family in all that you matter what happens just work hard ya, But yeah that’s what’s up with us here in los conquistadores! other than that we’ve been knocking heaps of doors hahaha up visiting a lot of members...i lost my wallet the other day...dumb bugger our house is super jacked up now..We pretty much wake up to a flood every morning....our piping in our house is seriously jacked up and nobodies come around to do anything about i confirmed somebody yesterday in church in front of the whole sacrament for my first was pretty nerve racking but it was all good...uh i also gave another talk in sacrament meeting, blessed, passed and taught the lesson!! hahaha crackup ae... but i miss you all so much family...mum and dad i love you guys so much..thanks for all that you do...don’t worry bout me ya...your lil boy is doing good and trying to better himself each day...George ash and lia...i love you guys so each other and look out for each other ya...lift those around you who need help and serve with love always... i miss you little mungrals like the hell! be good kids and represent for the whanau...but my times up send my love to the family...let gramz know that i love her a lot...sorry for rushing but i love you guys with all my heart...thanks for everything that you guys do for me family...keep going hard and we´ll hear from you guys next week ae.... with all my love,

Elder kanahele Kaka

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kia Ora family and friends,
Unfortunately we are unable to post Elder Kanahele's letter this week. A little to personal, but is well, working hard, having a lot of fun as he lives the life of a Missionary in the Chile Santiago Mission. He sends his love and appreciation to everyone.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy valentines!!!

what’s up family?? what an awesome letter ae...sounds like everybody’s doing great and happy! idk what it is but everybody looks so grown up in the photos that you sent me! dang for real’s....ash is tall as...George looks huge! hahaha mean photos bro and lias all grown up and a beautiful swan now! lol i miss you guys so much ae...jealous as ae that i can't be with you guys but its sweet as.....but good you guys got my was getting small kine wasted here having to carry it house to house so I thought id send it home....but yeah a convert gave it to me for my birthday! Mean ae... But yeah family im good!!! hahaha have had along as week and so many things have happened that i don’t even know where to start! lol well we finally found somebody who’s really good and who could progress...well we actually found a few but only two of them have baptismal dates.....there’s a inactive family that we’ve always planned to see but never really got around to seeing them cuz they were always our backup planes and we never really had to go over you know...and we didn’t even know them so it wasn’t like we felt urged to go over...but this week all our plans had fallen through hahaha and we literally had nothing to do! nobody to visit and it was tough ae....mission doesn’t get any harder than that....but we prayed about things and felt that we had to go visit this the next day me and the hondurainian elder actually went over to this house and it was great ae family....the lady who lives there has been a member for like ever and knows everything but fell away cuz her husband’s not a member and hasn’t gone back to church since...which was like 9 years ago...and there hasn’t been anybody! No one person who has visited her since!!!! Crazy ae! so yeah she has a daughter who’s 14 and one that’s 9 and its been amazing....just being able to re inactivate this sister and help her daughters enter in to the waters of baptism....this sister loves us ae....we’ve only know here for one week but where’ve done everything to show her that we love her and she feels it...she trust us and she wants us to help her, so it’s been a miracle being able to find this lady and her family again...we hope that everything goes well with them and that they all can be firm in the church! and that was our highlight of the week.... we’ve also done a lot of planning for that big activity were going to do and its harder than we thought!! hahaha there’s a lot of things involved and just really complicating...the whole money, transportation, and location set ups are killing us but were going to do it!! were all determined to get it done so were all keen ae....but something that i actually wanted to share with you guys that got me thinking a lot this week was something that happened to us in our own Tuesday morning i wake up first and leave our room to go use the toilet and as i step out our room, i stepped into straight up water...i look down and our house is flooded!!!! bahaha our whole living room, bathroom, and kitchen was covered in just straight up it was a crackup as cuz anything on the ground was destroyed! for real’s like i looked around and i saw a few of my undies just floating around...haha was crackup as but yeah so i woke everybody up to clean it and it took us ages!!! like a good 3or 4 hours just to get the water out and spring clean our looks like we had a pipe bust and the whole night water was just exploding out flooding everything we had to cut the water to the sink and still nobody’s come to fix it...but as we were cleaning there was something that i noticed that really grabbed my was that most of the water had flowed to the same part of the room in the living room...yes everything was wet and under water but there was a corner in the room that was like a foot more under water than the rest of the room....and i got to thinking why it was like that? And when you think about it, it’s because water flows where it’s easier to go right? Water goes with the flow and normally goes where its easiest to go! i was thinking about it and there are so many people like this water....they just follow with the crowd, go with the flow and go where its easiest to go! People just do what’s easiest because its obviously more easier and because they don’t need to push themselves. The natural man who is an enemy to good make us want to do what’s easiest.....we run into heaps of people here who are catholic!! 90 percent of cerro navia or the city that we work in is catholic and you ask any one of them how many times they go to church in one year? i swear you not that 80 percent of them will say twice...Christmas and Easter! Its ridicules but its true....then you ask them why they are catholic and they don’t know what to say....and really they’re catholic because it’s easy to be catholic. if i didn’t know anything about god or anything and i had to choose a church going to church twice a year is way easier than every Sunday of the year right, and id obviously choose the catholic church. It’s not a coincidence why 80 percent of this country is’s really sad but its true...and it’s a great tool that Satan uses to attack us. What I’ve come to grasp here on the mission is that this gospel is not easy to live for a reason! being an example can be tough at times, doing what is right always will require courage, and living every gospel principle might require some sacrifice but if it wasn’t like this how would we be able to grow and progress? You can’’s impossible to progress if we do what is easiest to do. Elder Holland said that the things of most value here in this life require the most sacrifice!! and it’s let’s not go with the flow and go where its easiest to go...lets push ourselves constantly, yes we will always have problems, obstacles, road blocks, but don’t let them stop us from pushing. Nephi teaches us, "Wherefore, ye must press forward with steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. “God promises us eternal life!!! What motive greater than this! Let’s go hard family...i love each and every one of you soooooo much. Truly are my strength to push myself each and every day. There is nothing else that i want from this life than to be together forever as a family! we know what we need to do so let’s go out and do it ae...mum and dad i love you guys so much...thank you for everything that you guys do for us..i have been so blessed to have my best friends be my own you guys so much...keep the family strong ae...George, i love you bro keep helping and loving ash and especially lia..cuz you will definitely regret it when you leave if you don’t a good boy and represent hard dog...ash and lia...take care of each other, love one another, and be patient with each other k....i want you to both know that i love you guys the most...can’t wait to come home and cruz it with you lil fwammies! for real’s...tell gramz that i love her and miss her heaps k. but i love you heaps family...until next week you black Maoris!

Elder Conway kauimua kanahele kaka

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sup family!!!

How’s my beautiful family doing??? It seems really good. Well I’m just going to answer everybody’s questions really quick and make a few comments on the letter k...
Well can’t believe you guys finished reading the book of Mormon!!! Miracles do exist ae! hahahah na awesome family for real’s bloody awesome mate...I’m in alma 18 and just hard out ripping my scriptures up hard...full on hard studies on every page, every chapter, every verse and it’s been awesome I’ve learnt a lot and more than anything i truly have strengthened my testimony in our savior Jesus Christ so mean hard family. Mum having you home with me everyday all day sounds great!!!! hahaha for real’s i never want to leave you ever again...hahaha...lia for reals sara, she three mean or what??? lol george your a dumb bugger bro....crackup as story tho dog... had me in fits of laughter... and ash sole bro i go on facebook to show my members fotos of you guys you ounce and life style where we live so don’t even try camper me you fwam....i give but bro i did see your sadies pictures bro!??? ah ah !!! who’s that chick that you went with?? girlfirend bro??? lol sole shes three mean bro!!....but yeah so what’s up with george and mona??? They look like a couple hard bro?? for real’s like marriage status! fa gotta fill me in hori boy....she is a beautiful swan tho so shot bro on the keks....
But yeah family serious note thank you so much for the letter....they always come and save me at the right time...Monday morning! i was talking with the other three coconuts( dumb as hang) that live with me and its weird cuz they all dread writing their family ae...and it makes me really sad cuz its the total opposite for me..You guys are the only ones i look forward to hearing from and writing to...just what happens when we have an awesome family ae haha can’t help it...but yeah family we had a good week. a lot of success at the price of alot of sacrifice. Right now it’s summer time and we realized that we have to do something different to not only find more people but to strengthen our own ward...we had 46 people in church yesterday and the stake are thinking of closing our ward down and none of our leadership give a rats so they don’t do nothing and pretty much the whole ward depends on us..for everything you can think of we do....other than direct sacrament meeting we do the sacrament, we all teach two different classes each so a total of eight lessons between the four of us for Sunday school and priesthood, we plan and carry out the ward activities, we do all the home teaching, we open, close and clean the chapel, we do all of this on top of being a regular missionary...hahaha its been alot of crap to worry about and i was kind of hoping that they’d change me but they didn’t so pretty much I’ve had to step up hahaha so we came up with a pretty cool idea to both strengthen our ward and do missionary work...we are going to do like a full week of full on activities..kind of like a boy camp/ efy/ youth conference know with a full on theme for the week and put the whole ward into like teams of four and just plan all kinds of activities....we have a field right outside our house and we were thinking of putting on a sports day, then like a movie night, and then like a kareoke night then like a "learn how to speak English" game show night(cause learning English is a big interest here in latin countries),a dance night, then a luau night with some entertainment kind of like a talent show and skits or something with a testimony meeting to recap our week...the cool thing is that all the members well most of them love us that they´ll do anything we say so being summer they all be keen to participate and as the whole week goes on were going to tell them that you can’t come to the next activity until you bring a friend...any friend but yeah something like that... and we are planning everything today and through this week and were going to try put it on in a week or two from now so we´ll see how that goes..but yeah that’s our crazy planes that we really want to do.....just organizing it will be hard but if we can pull it off it´ll be mean as.......but the spiritual learning side, inspirational and revelational part for all of this came to me one day when i was thinking what we could do to help our ward and do missionary those on their own aren’t easy things to do you know but as i was thinking about it something that one of my teachers said in the mtc came to my mind.... he said .."don’t keep doing things that don’t work" or if i do one thing and keep getting the same result why keep doing it when you already know what’s going to happen you know....and that’s how things have kind of been for us you know....we’ve kind of been doing the same things for three months knocking doors visiting members in their homes and getting the same results...which isn’t a bad thing but at the same time isn’t a good know if i walk into a closed door i will eventually learn that i can’t get thru the door unless i open it right..... so that was kind of the concept that came to my mind and i told the boys that we have to do something different, something that will excite the’s really hard for some missionaries to work this way cuz its practically not what were taught to do but nothing will change unless we make a know maybe our numbers may not be that great for that week but you gotta look at all the benefits that come from it. we have to change the way we are doing things to help change our results here in the conquistadores or nothing ever will change in this ward and slowly but surely we will that’s what’s been on my mind lately! hahaha i was talking with the boys in the morning and we were talking about the things that we have learnt here on the mission and one of the things that i mentioned was that I’ve come to really understand who i am as a child of god....I’ve come to realize my weakness, my strengths, what i can do and what i need to do, to do the things that i can’t or in other words that there really is nothing that we can’t matter how big the problem, no matter what kind of situation we are in that as we trust in the lord there will never be a time where we can’t accomplish that which is right and good. And this is just another trial that i have to help strengthen my testimony of that. Family If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things and there’s nothing that can stop us, nothing. so keep going hard ae... i love you all so greatest motive to help me wake up each morning and give my best to the lord...I’m still not perfect, still not smart...actually still pretty dumb hahaha but i do strive to better myself everyday.. i love this gospel and know it’s true with all my heart . Mum and dad i love you guys so much...keep going hard and keep the family inline ae....hit me up with all the scoops with what’s going on next week k...geroge i love you my’ve been a great strength to me bro...keep being a good boy and take care of your lil bro and sister for me bro..Honor your priesthood and use it to serve those around ash with his mechanics bro...Help him be the best ae...and find me a wife bro...hahaha ash i love you bro...never change anything about you bro...always be yourself and you will bless lives my lil handsome brother....remember who you are and always be an example to those around you k...lia i love you the most!!! for real’s your letters make me the happiest!!! be a good girl tho k honey....listen to mum and dad and always always remember to choose the right k....your getting so beautiful my baby sister, but let grandma know how much i love her k....but yeah family that’s me...i love you guys so much. keep doing the right things and will talk next week ae, with all my love,

Elder kanahele kaka